Tuesday, April 10, 2007

There's a Manifesto for this Stuff!

So, Mr. Kyte taught me much more than I initially thought!

As I reflect upon Scoble's Manifesto in Naked Conversations and Tom Kyte's visit to my class, so many things begin to come together.

First, I would just like to say, who'da known there was a manifesto for this stuff!!!!!

Okay, sorry. I digress...

So, Mr. Kyte mentioned a lot of different things in passing that I think deserve further evaluation (whether or not Mr. Kyte knows it--and he will after this because I'm sure he's following statute number 21 (HI TOM!!!)-- he is the poster child for the Weblog Manifesto) :

1.) He mentioned that he is open and honest when blogging. --Imperative, according to Scoble, when establishing lasting relationships with readers.

2.) He did not exactly say this, but it could be ascertained from the wealth of knowledge that he possessed, and by his reader base (focusing moreso on his corporate blog), that he is the oracle on Oracle.

3.)He mentioned that he was just coming down from his brief hiatus from blogging and that he was focusing on his family life. --Scoble says that readers pick up on even the faintest decay in your writing.

4.)He clearly has the support of his company. They seem to back him 110%, even in the face of insane sueaholics who literally go to the ends of the earth-and back-just to sue him.-Scoble says that the big whigs need to know what's going through your head before you blog about the company. Now, that is not to say that corporate bloggers should be beholden to their employers (that would violater statute number 29 ) But they should think about how much they value their jobs before they post anything insane about the company. Don't wanna end up like Mark Jen!

4.5) He is a firm believer in non-coercive blogging...LOL.--that's all she wrote on this point....LOL!!!

Hmm....what else...(***she's thinking***)
Ahhh yes! (Epihpany)

5.)He responds to his comments!- This is uber-important. His number of readers would dwindle very quickly if he was not so engaged. The frequency of his postings also astounds me.

6.)He's definately got statute number 3 in the bag--Human voice. Come on people, the man is hillarious!

Well, I think that's all for now. I'll add more as I think of 'em. Thanks for coming by Tom. I really enjoyed the talk. Great job Professor Melander!