Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Corporate blogging...Now comapnaies really have to Manage Chaos...

So here's the deal. Live television/radio and the internet are synonyms for INSTANTANEOUS. This means that the information dissemenated through any of these means if any company/corporation intends on controlling the message, that message must be controllled before the information is broadcasts.

This is why Scoble's Manifesto clearly states that an individual should talk to his or her boss prior to bloging about the workplace or about the company The mediums of today are not forgiving. With the advent of Web 2.0, the things you say or do can be posted in a forum or on YouTube within seconds. Some would argue that this makes messages more salient. I would argue that messages are much more ubiquitious.

Companies have free reign over their employees. They can and should be allowed to control who they hire and fire. Thus, if you say or write something a company is not so fond of they have every right to make any sort of sanctions against you.

Since we're talking about message control....
I think now's a good a time as any to bring up Mr. Imus' "slip of the tongue."

Don Imus learned the hard way. Sure, he is allowed to have his own opinions. More power to him! BUT the venue in which you choose to express that view must be chosen very, very carefully.