So much has transpired in my life since my last post. This will be my personal blog instead of a class blog as I am no longer in university. :d)
I'm not exactly sure where I should begin...
Perhaps, I should begin with the Rights of the Deaf...
Yes. I think that is the perfect place.
My name is TL and I am Hearing. My life's work is to tear down the barriers that exist b/t the Deaf and the Hearing world--to open the world's eyes to the beauty of equality of all audiologies...that sounds funny. Really though acceptance (not tolerance!), equal access and equal opportunity are paramount in the fight for Deaf Rights.
What have I done lately? Thanks for asking!
There's Embracing Lambs, Deaf Community Friends, Deaf Camps Inc., Deaf Blind Camp, my boy's home children, trips to Guatemala, assisting attorneys with Deaf Clients (which I will one day name H.E.A.R.D), and of course, my personal favorite, teaching salsa to Deaf students :d).
When I return, I will expound.